Lesson: EasyReading/112
From The Grove - Academia de Idiomas
- What was bothering the man?
- Why was it bothering him?
- In how many different ways did he try to get rid of it?
- What did the doctor give him?
- Did any method tried by the man work?
- How did he eventually solve his problem? Was it accidental?
True or False
<quiz display="simple"> { |type="()"} | True | False
-+The man had a stiff neck +-He was very annoyed by the echos in his head -+He called his friends for help -+ He thought screaming would help him -+The doctor told him there was nothing he could do -+The doctor prescribed him some painkillers +-The medicine given by the doctor didn't work +-The man hit his head on the sidewalk and only then was the air bubble gone