Lesson: Essentials/38

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Hoje veremos como utilizar as preposições de tempo before, after e until.

Traduzimos estas preposições como: antes, depois e até.

Porque a palavra antes começa com a letra A e tem apenas cinco letras, muitos confundem e a associam por a preposição after, que também começa com a letra A e tem cinco letras. Para que isto não aconteça, devemos decorar as duas preposições sempre nesta sequência: before, after. Before vem antes. After vem depois.

Estude os seguintes exemplos:

  • She needs to finish her homework before going to the party.
    • Ela precisa terminar seus deveres de casa antes de ir à festa.
  • I will call you after I arrive home.
    • Te ligo depois de chegar em casa.
  • I will study until 7 o'clock.
    • Estudarei até as 7 horas.

É comum algumas pessoas confundirem a preposição after com a palavra later.
Por exemplo, a seguinte frase:

Eu vou para a casa depois.

é frequentemente traduzida assim:

I will go home after.

Mas esta tradução está errada, pois o que queremos dizer é que vamos para a casa mais tarde.

Então, deveríamos ter dito:

I will go home later.

Late significa tarde, no comparativo later significa mais tarde.


1. Use before, after or until in the sentences below:

  1. She came here _______ class. (depois)
  2. Tonight, I have to work _______ 10 p.m. (até)
  3. Don't forget to call me _______ the game. (antes)
  4. He wants to exercise _______ the end of the day. (até)
  5. They need to study a lot _______ the test. (antes)
  6. I'll talk to you _______ the movie. (depois)
  7. Robert never talks to anyone _______ the presentation. (antes)

2. Give 3 examples with each preposition below:

  • before
  • after
  • until


foot put
good broom
book look
took groom
bully full


  • To fly - flew
  • To land - landed
  • to launch - launched
  • To breathe - breathed
  • To float - floated
  • Planet
  • Pilot
  • Helmet
  • Oxygen
  • Breath
  • Astronaut
  • Spaceship
  • Engine
  • Ladder
  • Animal
  • Plants
  • Life
  • Death
  • Dead
  • Intelligent
  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Stars
  • Mars
  • Venus
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Jupiter
  • Mercury
  • Neptune
  • Earth
  • Gravity
 Important Sentences!
- There is intelligent life on this planet.
- My clothes are in the sun.
- Men can't walk on the sun.
- We can't breathe without oxygen.
- Take a deep breath.

1) Look at the photos and answer the questions, the teacher may ask you to write down your answers or to answer orally:


  1. What do you see in the picture?
  2. Are you afraid of space?
  3. Would you like to be that astronaut?

Mary Roach in Zero Gravity

  1. What are these people doing?
  2. What do you think is happening?
  3. Describe the picture. What objects do you see?


1. Translate the sentences to English:

  1. Faça o seu dever de casa!
  2. Me ligue hoje à noite.
  3. Venha ao trabalho cedo amanhã.
  4. Abra a porta, por favor.
  5. Dê o presente a ela.
  6. Compre pão depois do trabalho.
  7. Não durma até as 11 da manhã.

2. Complete the sentences with the words in parenthesis:

  1. The moon is (solar system)
  2. I saw a comet (vacation)
  3. He (space ship)
  4. The astronaut (after)
  5. My telescope (his brother)
  6. I (alien)
  7. He wants (robot)

3. Tell three things you did BEFORE class, you'll do AFTER class and you'll continue doing UNTIL the end of the week.

4. Change the sentences to affirmative, negative or interrogative:

  1. He wants to go home before the rain.
  2. They came here to visit us.
  3. Did you build a new house?
  4. The maid burned the food.
  5. She needs to choose a dress.
  6. Are you breaking the box?
  7. Steve is richer than Kyle.

5. Describe the following picture.help

Galaxie peinture

Extra Vocab


  • Galaxy
  • Sun
  • Star
  • Planet
  • Solar system
  • Orbit
  • Asteroid belt
  • Asteroid
  • Comet
  • Space station
  • Space ship
  • Rocket
  • Astronaut
  • Earth
  • The moon
  • Crater
  • Alien
  • Human, earthling
  • Robot
  • Observatory
  • Telescope
  • Satellite
  • Satellite dish



  1. Are you curious about space and our galaxy?
  2. Do you like to observe the stars and the moon sometimes?
  3. Would you like to visit a spaceship?
  4. Would you travel to the moon? Why?
  5. What's your biggest curiosity about our galaxy?
  6. Do you have a telescope? Would you like to have one?
  7. Why are satellites important?
  8. Do you think robots will take control of Earth one day?
  9. Do you believe in aliens?
  10. If so, do you think they visit our planet?

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  • Tier 4
    • Lesson:Essentials/31|Lesson 31
    • Lesson:Essentials/32|Lesson 32
    • Lesson:Essentials/33|Lesson 33
    • Lesson:Essentials/34|Lesson 34
    • Lesson:Essentials/35|Lesson 35
    • Lesson:Essentials/36|Lesson 36
    • Lesson:Essentials/37|Lesson 37
    • Lesson:Essentials/38|Lesson 38
    • Lesson:Essentials/39|Lesson 39
    • Lesson:Essentials/40|Lesson 40
