Lesson: Essentials/CP44

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1. Make sentences with a similar meaning by using used to. Some of the sentences are negative, and some of them are questions

  • When I was a teenager, I was very lazy. Now I'm not lazy.
  • I used to be lazy, but now I'm not.

  1. Now you live downtown. Where did you live before moving here?
    Where _______?
  2. When I lived in Rio de Janeiro, I went to the beach every weekend. Now I don't go to the beach every weekend.
    I _______to the beach every weekend, but now I don't anymore.
  3. Carla worked in a veterinary clinic for many years. Now she doesn't have a job.
    Carla _______ in a veterinary clinic, but now she doesn't anymore.
  4. Steven has a new job as a cook. He has to wear an apron everyday. When he was a student, he didn't have to wear an apron.
    Steven _______ an apron everyday, but now he does.
  5. Gabriel has three dogs that he enjoys as pets. In the past, he hated dogs. These are his first pets.
    Gabriel _______ pets. He _______ dogs, but now he enjoys them.
  6. When I was in high school, I wore a uniform to school.
    I _______ a uniform to school, but now I don't anymore.
  7. When I was a teenager, I watched movies on TV. I don't watch movies anymore. Now I watch the news. How about you?
    I _______ movies on TV, but I don't anymore. I _______ the news, but now I do. What _______ on TV when you were a teenager?

2. Complete the sentences with the irregular verbs in parenthesis:

  1. A: She _______ (come) too late for the show.
    B: Yes, she did. She _______ (have) a flat tire on the way.
  2. A: You _______ (not / pay) last month's phone bill.
    B: No, I didn't. The phone company _______ (make) a mistake and overcharged us. (overcharge = cobrou a mais)
  3. A: They _______ (leave) without saying good bye.
    B: Yes, they did. They _______ (get) a call from their baby-sitter and _______ (run) out quickly.
  4. A: You _______ (forget) your raincoat.
    B: Yes, I did, but I _______ (bring) an umbrella. I _______ (find) it in my car.
  5. A: The teacher _______ (not / give) an assignment.
    No, she didn't.But she _______ (give) two last week.
  6. A: You _______ (make) a lot of food.
    B: Yes, I did. I _______ (see) these recipes in the newspaper last night and I _______ (think) we should try something different.
  7. A: You _______ (not / take out) the garbage this morning.
    B: No, I didn't. So I _______ (take it out) when I _______ (wake up).
  8. A: I_______ (hear) that Jason _______ (break) his leg.
    Yes, he did. I _______ (speak) to him last night. He _______ (fall) off a ladder. He also _______ (hurt) his arm.

3. Complete with a, an, some or any

  1. Is there _______ tea in the kitchen?
  2. Sorry, there isn't _______ more tea.
  3. There aren't _______ apartments to rent.
  4. Are there _______ boys in this class?
  5. There are _______ girls in this class.
  6. Are there _______ lamps in the house?
  7. This is _______ interesting newspaper.
  8. In the park, there are _______ very nice trees.
  9. Mr. Smith is having _______ bread.
  10. I'm reading _______ interesting book.

4.Type the plural form in the sentences below:

  1. This orange is very nice.
  2. That student writes well.
  3. That house is near the beach.
  4. This book belongs to George.
  5. That dog barks all night long.
  6. That computer is old.
  7. This lesson is very difficult.
  8. That person sings badly.
  9. This exercise is easy.
  10. This man works at my shop.

5. Look at the example and substitute the words highlighted for the ones on top of the exercise:

  • These are my bananas. You can't eat them
    • me - you - him - her - it - us - you - them
  1. I can't see Mary. I can't see ________
  2. Karen is next to Peter. Karen is next to ________
  3. Can you help Peter and Ann? Can you help ________?
  4. Drink your apple juice! Drink ________!
  5. We are going to the cinema. Come with ________!
  6. Carol is at school. I am going to the store. She can't come with ________
  7. The cat is under the chair. Can you see __________?
  8. Dave can't swim. Help ________!
  9. It's Kate's birthday today. This is a present for ________
  10. Where is John? I can't see ________
  11. The windows are open. Close ________
  12. I can't ride a horse. Help ________!

6. Listen to the sentences and write them down:


  1. I used to be afraid of werewolves when I was 7.
  2. My sister began to wear makeup every day because of her job.
  3. My father needs to fix the bikes that are in the garage this weekend.
  4. These condiments aren't so good. Where did you buy them?
  5. I don't see my cousins often, but I always talk to them on Facebook.

7. Look at the pictures below and write a sentence

  • Example:
  • 1919 Harley-Davidson Model W Sport Twin (1) - The Art of the Motorcycle - Memphis

    Flickr - ronsaunders47 - BENELLI 750cc RACE REPLICA. 1978.
  • I used to have an old model motorcycle, now I have a new one.
  1. USMC-100707-M-2740R-047

    U.S. Army Spc. Mike Andali, with the 84th Engineer Support Company, 2nd Engineer Brigade, jumps while playing volleyball during the brigade's special event, called Arctic Trailblazer Week, at Cottonwood 120810-F-LX370-374

  2. Architect Anthony Murphy working on a kitchen renovation project in New Jersey

    Mans Z singing

  3. Sadness

    Happy Emotion

  4. X Apartment

    The Big House Louisiana

  5. Cat03

    Dog's Love

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  • Tier 5
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP41|Review 41
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP42|Review 42
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP43|Review 43
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP44|Review 44
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP45|Review 45
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP46|Review 46
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP47|Review 47
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP48|Review 48
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP49|Review 49
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP50|Review 50
