Lesson: How Casinos Work - The Simple Explanation/ExerciseL1

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Listening Exercise

Watch the video and complete the text according to what you can understand.

This is the

of Casinos and how they

. The story begins with a

of people. And these aren't just any other people. They're people with

. And these people get a great

. They

to put all of their money in a pile. Now, this pile is what we

refer to as a Casino. Some people also call it a

. Now, at the Casino, these people play games, not

bet. They get to push

on machines that have lights and

. Sometimes the people even win the

and the machine makes really

sounds. When this happens, it means that these people get to keep some of the money from the

. As you can imagine, this makes those people very

. Everyone sees those people that are happy and they

that putting the money in a big pile was really a great idea, they want

money too. But, the Casino has a charge for

some of the people really happy. After all, nothing is

and the charge is the rest of the money. Which makes the Casino very happy, and

no money for everyone else. But, there is hope, because maybe

they'll be the one pushing the button that makes the

lights and loud sounds, and they'll get some of the money out of the pile. But,

not. Unfortunately, this is the end of the story.

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