THE GROVE - Academia de Idiomas
How to Sleep Better/ExerciseL1
From The Grove - Academia de Idiomas
Lesson:How to Sleep Better
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Listening Exercise
Watch the video and complete the text according to what you can understand.
Fifty-one sheep, fifty-two sheep, fifty three sheep, oh! Why am I still
? Oh well, at least it's only… three a.m.!!! We've all been there, ahhh. Getting quality sleep is easier said than done, so today we're going to show you how sleep is tied to your physical and mental health. We're also gonna show you five easy ways to get that refreshing sleep that you need. Uh… we all know that we feel groggy and slow when we don’t get enough sleep, but that's not the only
lack of sleep has on our bodies. In our episode on sleeping creativity, we told you that not getting enough sleep over an extended period of time can lead to high blood pressure, which can also lead to heart attacks and aneurysms. But it's not always easy to try to get that good quality sleep. Some nights you stay awake
about that presentation you have to give first thing in the morning and then some
you just can't get comfortable, and then other nights you fall asleep just fine, but then you wake up every fifteen minutes worrying that you're gonna miss the bus. Alright, there is no one way to guarantee that you're gonna get
sleep. But we do have five easy tips and tricks to help you get on the path towards good sleep hygiene.
Step 1: Develop a relaxing bed time ritual.
When you think about it we all learn to sleep by routine. When we were really little our
gave us baths, read us books, tucked us in, got us that extra glass of water, all in the name of good sleep. Now that you're older, you're gonna have to develop a routine of your own. Whether it's a cup of decaff tea and a
from a book or a bath, then fifteen minutes of … yoga. Of course there are some
that should be kept out of a
ritual. Don’t drink alcohol before bed, it might help you fall asleep but chances are you'll wake up in the middle of the night. Don’t exercise two hours before bedtime, sure, it gets your blood
but it'll wimp you out mentally.
Step 2: Maintain a regular sleep and wake schedule.
Now, you don’t have to wake up at exactly 7:02 and go to bed at 10:53 every night. That's a bit on the neurotic side. But, do try to wake up and go to bed at
the same time six days a week. According to doctors at Harvard University, this will help set your
clock, so that even on those rare days when your
is thrown off, you'll be able to get right back on track and avoid what doctors call: a sleep hangover.
Step 3: Stop watching your clock.
Studies show that people who
look at their clock are less likely to fall sleep easily. Why? When they're thinking "it's eleven-o-three, I have to be up in six hours and fifty seven minutes". It stresses you out. So try to keep some
between you and that alarm clock. That way, those blinking numbers will quit knocking you and you'll sleep easier.
Step 4: Create an
sleep environment.
A male clinic study found that people sleep best in dark quiet cool
. With all the benefits of sleep, it's worth investing in black out blinds, comfortable ear plugs and a fair air conditioning. The more comfortable you are
, ahhh, the better you'll sleep.
Step 5: Unplug.
Make your bedroom a tech-free zone. I know, but
shows that electronics interfere with sleep because it's easy to get distracted by them. Checking your email right before bed could add more stress. Watching TV or movies makes it harder to sleep and getting sucked in to say: "pinterest"? Right before bed? Could keep you up for hours, ouh, I like that, I like that too, oh that's pretty!
Let's recap, today we learned a few more
why you need good sleep. We also
you five simple ways to help you improve your sleep health. Next time your stuck tossing and turning, try to develop a ritual, maintain a schedule, stop clock
, trick your bedroom out or unplug. It could help. From all of us here at well cast, sweet dreams!
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