Difference between revisions of "Lesson:Essentials/45"

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Line 149: Line 149:
:a. and
# and
:b. package
# package
:c. magazines
# magazines
:d. or
# or
:e. envelope
# envelope
Line 160: Line 160:
:a. They can go in the morning if you want.
# They can go in the morning if you want.
:b. When is she going to be able to finish it?
# When is she going to be able to finish it?
:c. Kate will be arriving tomorrow night.
# Kate will be arriving tomorrow night.
:d. The cook was paying attention to the oven.
# The cook was paying attention to the oven.
:e. What can we do tonight?
# What can we do tonight?
:f. Don't worry, they will do the dishes right after lunch!
# Don't worry, they will do the dishes right after lunch!
:g. Is she going to be able to do it herself?
# Is she going to be able to do it herself?
5. Free exercise
5. Give a comment for each sentence using can or be able to:
:'''She doesn't have any new idea for the project.'''
:She can read some books to open her mind.
# The kids aren't happy with this game they are playing.
# The man was very confused on which tool to use.
# Go on motorcycles trail is easy for them.
# He wants to paint something different this time.
# That girl is very talkative
# She isn't here yet and it's already 5 o'clock.
# This car is very expensive.

Revision as of 12:45, 25 February 2014


1. Put the correct form of either "can" or "be able to" for each sentence:

  1. My brother _______ cook very well. He is a chef in a French restaurant.
  2. When he was only 2, my friend Lee _______ speak quite well.
  3. I have to go to a business dinner tomorrow night so I _______ (not) come to the party. I'm very sorry.
  4. Kevin lived in Italy for six years, so he must _______ speak Italian quite well. He will help you with your homework.
  5. This telephone is terrible. I _______ (not) hear you at all.
  6. When the car drove into the lake, one of the passengers _______ (not) open the door and had to be rescued.
  7. Despite the arrival of the storm, they _______ finish the football match.
  8. When I was very young, I used to _______ touch my toes, but I can't now!!
  9. The house was totally empty all day yesterday and I _______ finish that book I was reading.
  10. My mother tells me that her grandfather was one of the best musicians of his time in the city and _______ play the piano like a professional.
  11. I hope to _______ speak English very well after this course finishes.

2. Rewrite the sentences following the model:
swim in the sea this morning / she - past
She was able to swim in the sea this morning.
  1. cook for 10 people / The chef - present
  2. train more than twenty kids / The coach - future
  3. repare the problems / The mechanic - future
  4. speak four languages / The manager - past
  5. run 1 kilometer in less than 3 minutes / The athlete - present
  6. serve 8 tables / The waiter - future
  7. read the text out loud / The student - present
  8. spend some time with his kids / James - future
  9. take a long trip around the world / Catarina - past
  10. give comands to the dog / Kimmy - present





  • Letter
  • Return address
  • Address
  • Stamp
  • Postmark
  • Postcard
  • Mailman
  • Mailbox
  • Newspaper
  • Reporter
  • Magazine
  • Package
  • Box
  • Telephone
  • Ring
  • Telephone jack
  • Cell phone
  • Walkie-talkie


Slang and Idioms /Phrasal Verbs



  1. Try to list some means of communication that you know of.
  2. Which one of those do you use more?
  3. Do you think newspapers will get to be obsolete one day? Why?
  4. Is the mailman profession also in risk? Why?
  5. Do you remember when was the last time ou received a letter?
  6. Do you send/receive many packages?
  7. Did you have a stamp collection when you were a child?
  8. Are smartphones responsible for all of this changes in communication? Why?
  9. What´s the best way to communicate in your point of view? Why?
  10. How will communication be in the future?

Travel Bites



1. 'Can' and 'Be Able to' are used to speak about abilities. Both forms can be used in the present or the past. In this quiz, choose the correct form of 'can' or 'to be able to' to complete the sentences below. Once you have decided on your answer, click on the arrow to check your answer.

  1. Tom _______ (buy) a new house last month. was able to
  2. _______ (they/play) tennis well? can they play
  3. She _______ (not/understand) the question yesterday. wasn't able to understand
  4. When _______ (you/come) tomorrow? can you come / will be able to come
  5. Unfortunately, they _______ (get) the bread this morning. weren't able to get
  6. I _______ (not / play) golf last Thursday. wasn't able to
  7. _______ (you / speak) Japanese? can you speak
  8. _______ (he / come) to the party next weekend. will he be able to
  9. They _______ (get) tickets to the Rolling Stones concert last week. were able to get
  10. How _______ (you / convince) him to come to the exhibition last week? were you able to
  11. She _______ (enjoy) the concert because of the noise outside. wasn't able to

2. Rewrite the sentences following the model.

We can serve everybody at 4pm./ before the game / after the presentation
We can serve everybody before the game.
We can serve everybody after the presentation.

a. The mailman wasn't able to deliver the letters. / package / to my friend
b. We are waiting for the reporter / postcard / My grandma
c. They can use the cellphone to communicate / walkie-talkie / during the trip
d. Today´s newspaper wasn't in my mailbox / magazine /
e. My cousin has a box full of stamps / postcards / magazines
f. The secretary wasn't able write the address / return address / on the package

3. Continue the story using the words below:

When I was a kid I remember when the mailman passed from house to house delivering all the mails sent by the people. Nowadays this is not so common because of the technology, but one thing that technology won't change is....

  1. and
  2. package
  3. magazines
  4. or
  5. envelope

4. Text listening

  1. They can go in the morning if you want.
  2. When is she going to be able to finish it?
  3. Kate will be arriving tomorrow night.
  4. The cook was paying attention to the oven.
  5. What can we do tonight?
  6. Don't worry, they will do the dishes right after lunch!
  7. Is she going to be able to do it herself?

5. Give a comment for each sentence using can or be able to:

She doesn't have any new idea for the project.
She can read some books to open her mind.
  1. The kids aren't happy with this game they are playing.
  2. The man was very confused on which tool to use.
  3. Go on motorcycles trail is easy for them.
  4. He wants to paint something different this time.
  5. That girl is very talkative
  6. She isn't here yet and it's already 5 o'clock.
  7. This car is very expensive.

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  • Tier 5
    • Lesson:Essentials/41|Lesson 41
    • Lesson:Essentials/42|Lesson 42
    • Lesson:Essentials/43|Lesson 43
    • Lesson:Essentials/44|Lesson 44
    • Lesson:Essentials/45|Lesson 45
    • Lesson:Essentials/46|Lesson 46
    • Lesson:Essentials/47|Lesson 47
    • Lesson:Essentials/48|Lesson 48
    • Lesson:Essentials/49|Lesson 49
    • Lesson:Essentials/50|Lesson 50
