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Line 223: Line 223:
:b. What will they be doing next winter?
:b. What will they be doing next winter?
: travel to Chile.
: travel to Chile
:c. What will your father be doing next holiday?
:c. What will your father be doing next holiday?
: clean the house with his family.
: clean the house with his family
:d. What will your teacher will be doing next week?
:d. What will your teacher will be doing next week?
: correct the tests.
: correct the tests
:e. What will your friend be doing after class?
:e. What will your friend be doing after class?
: prepare a snack.
: prepare a snack
:f. What will the athlete be doing for the olympic games?
:f. What will the athlete be doing for the Olympic games?
: practice for the games.
: practice for the games
:g. What will the tourist be doing in Europe?
:g. What will the tourist be doing in Europe?
: visit the museums.
: visit the museums
====2. Rewrite the sentences following the model.====
====2. Rewrite the sentences following the model.====
Line 253: Line 253:
# His armor is very damaged. / heavy / visor
# His armor is very damaged. / heavy / visor
# The king couldn't talk to the queen. / noble / could
# The king couldn't talk to the queen. / noble / could
# The caveman is getting his club. / hunting his lunch / lost in the jungle.
# The caveman is getting his club. / hunting for food / lost in the jungle.
# Could the king stay out of the castle? / queen / throne
# Could the king stay out of the castle? / leave / throne
====3. Vocabulary====
====3. Vocabulary====
Line 260: Line 260:
# Name two famous kings -  
# Name two famous kings -  
# Name two movies about knights -  
# Name two movies about knights -  
# Name three famous princess in the world history -  
# Name three famous princes in the world history -  
# Name four arms used in old battles -  
# Name four weapons used in battles in the past -  
Line 267: Line 267:
# They will open the drawbridge.
# They will lower the drawbridge.
# The pirates are planning to attack their enemies.
# The pirates are planning to attack their enemies.
# Nobody can sit on that throne, it´s just for the king!
# Nobody can sit on that throne, it's just for the king!
# That lost crown might be from the queen.
# The queen is wearing her crown.
# The knight didn't take care of his shield.
# The knight didn't take good care of his shield.
# His armor was totally damaged after the battle.
# His armor was totally damaged after the battle.
# Flags are reference of a castle.
# Flags are very important for a castle.

Revision as of 13:55, 7 July 2014


Future Continuous Em inglês utilizamos o Future Continuous para expressar que alguma ação estará ocorrendo em um tempo futuro. Você pode utilizar esse tempo verbal de duas formas: "will be + verb+ ING" e "to be going to be+ verb + ING."

Diferentemente do Simple Future você pode utilizar tanto o Will be quanto o be going to be sem alterar em nada o sentido da frase. Eles são apenas duas formas diferentes de transmitir a mesma ideia.

Vejamos alguns exemplos:

  • Carla will be sleeping.
    • Carla estará dormindo.
  • Alexander is going to be waiting for you at the airport.
    • Alexander estará esperando por você.
  • We will be dancing when you arrive at the party.
    • Nós estaremos dançando quando você chegar na festa.
  • They are going to be staying at my house.
    • Eles estarão hospedados na minha casa.
  • Will you be eating at 8:00 o'clock?
    • Você estará comendo as 8:00?
  • Are you going to be playing when we arrive?
    • Você estará tocando quando chegarmos?
  • I won't be harvesting tomatoes this year.
    • Eu não estarei colhendo tomates esse ano.
  • My wife isn't going to be telling jokes.
    • Minha esposa não estará contando piadas.

1. Put the sentences into the negative form:

  1. I will be studying at 5 o'clock.
  2. You will be living in Japan next year.
  3. We will be traveling by the end of next week.
  4. They will be watching TV after 9 p.m.
  5. Tomorrow, at this time, he will be working there.
  6. I will be moving to L.A. in May.
  7. They will be leaving when you arrive.

2. Put the sentences into the interrogative form

  1. She will be arriving at 4 o'clock.
  2. We will be having a walk at noon.
  3. You will be talking to him at 9 o'clock tomorrow.
  4. He will be waiting for you at the corner.
  5. Tom and I will be talking to you in an hour.
  6. I will be flying over the Pacific tomorrow.
  7. She will be having dinner at 8 o'clock.

3. Complete the blanks with the Future Continuous tense:

  1. Next month I _______ (fly) to Italy.
  2. When you arrive, she _______ (cook) lunch.
  3. When we get there, they _______ (prepare) our sandwiches.
  4. We _______ (come) back from school by 5 o'clock.
  5. If you come late, I _______. (sleep)
  6. He _______ (paint) the back door tomorrow.
  7. I _______ (build) the doghouse this weekend.


back trap
stamp lap
hat scrap
fat natural
lack bat


  • To tell - told
  • To see - saw
  • To know - knew
  • To hold - held


  • King
  • Scepter
  • Crown
  • Throne
  • Queen
  • Prince
  • Princess
  • Noble
  • Peasant
  • Castle
  • Drawbridge
  • Moat
  • Flag
  • Flag pole
  • Knight
  • Visor
  • Hilt
  • Sword
  • Shield
  • Squire, page
  • Armor
  • Lance
  • Halberd
  • Executioner
  • Stockade
  • Gallow
  • Noose
  • Pirate
  • Caveman
  • Club
  • Bow
  • Arrow
  • Quiver
  • Spear
  • Slingshot



1) Look at the photos and answer the questions, the teacher may ask you to write down your answers or to answer orally:

Tewkesbury Medieval Festival 2009 - Fight
  1. What are they holding?
  2. What are they wearing?
  3. Describe the whole picture.

2) Look at the photo below and write a composition inspired by the picture.

Trakošćan 2007

Phrasal Verb

ask for trouble / ask for it
procurar confusão, provocar
  • You are only asking for trouble by going there.
    • Você só está tentando arrumar encrenca indo lá.
  • A: Why did you hit him? B: He was asking for it.
    • A: Por que você bateu nele? B: Ele estava me provocando.

1. Translate the sentences into Portuguese:
  1. She's asking for trouble by going in the middle of the crowd.
  2. He broke up with her, but she was asking for it. She was always picking fights.
2. Translate the sentences into English:
  1. Por que você não fez o que ela pediu? Você só está procurando encrenca fazendo isso.
  2. Os garotos estavam sempre nos provocando. Eles estavam procurando confusão.
3. Make two sentences using the phrasal verb ask for trouble / ask for it:


  1. Do you like to learn about history?
  2. What do you find interesting about World History?
  3. Do you know any castles? If so, which one?
  4. What city, from those you know, do you consider to be the most historical? Why?
  5. Do you like to visit historical places?
  6. Are there any historical places where you live? Which one(s)?
  7. If you could go back in time, which famous character would you like to be in World History? Why?
  8. What is the role of a king?
  9. If you could go back in time, in what time period would you like to live?
  10. Would you like to live in a kingdom?



1. Look at the pictures below and write two sentences using the preposition up and two sentences with the preposition down:

U.S. Army Lt. Col. George Conwill, assessments chief with the 36th Infantry Division, Texas Army National Guard, wears a black jump suit as he skydives in a formation with teammates over Ecuador 081206-A-WO441-243

Olympic stadium downstairs to booths


1. Rewrite the activities you will be doing next week:

  • What will you be doing next Friday when the game starts?
  • walk on the beach
  • I will be walking on the beach.

a. What will she be doing next month when you travel?
visit her relatives
b. What will they be doing next winter?
travel to Chile
c. What will your father be doing next holiday?
clean the house with his family
d. What will your teacher will be doing next week?
correct the tests
e. What will your friend be doing after class?
prepare a snack
f. What will the athlete be doing for the Olympic games?
practice for the games
g. What will the tourist be doing in Europe?
visit the museums

2. Rewrite the sentences following the model.

  • That king will be a peasant. / prince / won't
  • That prince will be a peasant.
  • That prince won't be a peasant.
  1. They need to fix the flag of that castle. / flagpole / drawbridge
  2. The knight might be seriously hurt after the war. / pirate / peasant
  3. They have to fix their shields. / sword / armor
  4. His armor is very damaged. / heavy / visor
  5. The king couldn't talk to the queen. / noble / could
  6. The caveman is getting his club. / hunting for food / lost in the jungle.
  7. Could the king stay out of the castle? / leave / throne

3. Vocabulary

  1. Name two famous kings -
  2. Name two movies about knights -
  3. Name three famous princes in the world history -
  4. Name four weapons used in battles in the past -

4. Text listening


  1. They will lower the drawbridge.
  2. The pirates are planning to attack their enemies.
  3. Nobody can sit on that throne, it's just for the king!
  4. The queen is wearing her crown.
  5. The knight didn't take good care of his shield.
  6. His armor was totally damaged after the battle.
  7. Flags are very important for a castle.

5. Answer the questions according to the reading:

The castle
Once upon a time there was a Castle, the town loved their kingdom but they didn't know that the queen and the king were fighting for power, the queen wanted the throne to her because the king wanted to raise the taxes and the queen wasn't agreeing with this, one day she sent the princess to tell the peasants all about the king's plan, the people gathered to discuss about it and decided to attack the castle, they broke the drawbridge and they talked to all the squires and knights to lend them their swords and spears to use against the King, when the night came they all gathered at the town's square and headed to the castle, the king tried to raise the bridge but it was broken, he tried to gather the guards and knights in the front of the castle but they were on the people and queen's side, the king saw that he had no way out so he surrended and gave the throne to the queen, since that day the kingdom turned into a queendom and everybody was happy ever after.

  1. What happened with the King and the Queen?
  2. What did the Queen want? Why?
  3. What did the people decide to do after the discussion?
  4. What happened in the end?
  5. Do you agree with the people's attitude? Why?
  6. Is the Queen a good person? Why?

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