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1. May/might
1. Past Continuous
2. May/might
2. Past Continuous

Revision as of 10:32, 20 February 2014


1. Past Continuous 2. Past Continuous


dress head
bed many
medal dead
fell pen
test nest


  • To build - built
  • To lay - laid
  • House
  • Building
  • Construction
  • Shape
  • Size
  • Tall
  • Short
  • Huge
  • Structure
  • Budget

-photo exercise-

Extra Vocabulary


  • Ladder
  • Cement
  • Cinder block
  • Lumber, wood
  • Brick
  • Carpenter
  • Crane
  • Architect
  • Foreman
  • Blueprint
  • Mason
  • Steel girder
  • Wheel barrow
  • Jackhammer
  • Earplugs
  • Construction worker
  • Welder
  • Blow torch
  • Bulldozer
  • Forklift
  • Steamroller
  • Dump truck


Slang and Idioms /Phrasal Verbs



  1. Are you interested in the construction area?
  2. What´s the worst part of constructing something?
  3. What´s the best part of constructing something?
  4. Which do you think is worst, to construct or to remodel? Why?
  5. Would you like to build a house? What would be so necessary to have in it?
  6. What´s the favorite room in your house/apartment? Why?
  7. What´s your favorite color for houses?
  8. Do you know how to paint a wall?
  9. Are you afraid of using a ladder? Why?
  10. Which skill do you think you have to do a home improvement?




1. Complete the sentences using may or might:

a. You ____ well be right.
b. I told them I ____ go, but wasn't sure.
c. Students ____ only borrow four books at a time.
d. The examiner says we ____ leave when we've finished.
9. It ____ be very expensive, but it's much better than the others.
e. I just ____ accept your offer.
f. You ____ have told me earlier!
g. You ____ try asking her for help- she knows her stuff.

2. Rewrite the sentences following the model.

The worker is feelng bad. / tired / sick
The worker is feelng tired.
The worker is feelng sick.

a. The architect is changing the project. / color of the house / decorating the new house
b. The workers need more bricks to continue the construction. / cinder block / cement
c. I need a ladder to fix the lamp. /
d. The foreman has to contract new people or he has to help the others. / to reduce the productivity / extend the deadline (deadline = prazo final)
e. That crane is huge. / not safe / That dump truck
f. We´ll buy a lot of board wood to construct the dog´s house. / My neighbor / cat´s
g. The party next door is very noisy / so

3. Complete the sentences with may / might or can:

a. I _______ speak French well.
b. _______ I help you?
c. I _______ go on holiday to Spain.
d. She ______ drive.
e. _______ she eat the last apple?
f. My mother ______ telephone me today.
g. I _______ see Brad Pitt when I am in Hollywood.
h. He _______ see the sea from his apartment.
i. They _______ run faster than my brother.

4. Text listening

a. The mason needs to wear the earplugs during work.
b. They need 2,000 more bricks to finish constructing the wall.
c. The engineer lost the blueprint.
d. The crane is rented until tomorrow.
e. We need the forklift to get these materials.
f. The wheel barrow is broken.
g. This cement is not the best one.

5. Choose the right answer acording to the sentence given:

a. May I eat the last apple?

1 There

are no apples
is one apple
is more than one apple

2 There

is no one else there
are many people outside
are other people there

3 The person

wants to eat the apple.
is offering the apple to the others
is not hungry

b. I may eat steak tonight.

1 Does the person ahve to eat steak?


2 Can he eat something else?


3 Is he thinking about eating steak?


4 When is he thinking of eating steak?

right now / immediately
for lunch
for dinner

5 Will he eat steak tonight?

it´s quite likely
It´s not very likely

c. I can see the sea from my apartment

1 Where does the person live?

in a house
in an apartment
in a bungalow

2 Is it close to the sea?

It´s next to the sea.
No, it´s far from the sea.
It´s less than 5 kilometers from the sea.

3 Does the apartment ahve any views?


4 Is it possbile to see the sea when in the apartment?


d. I might see your sister Ana when I am in São Paulo.

1 Where is the person?

In São Paulo
we don´t know
we don´t know but if he´s not in São Paulo, he´s planning to go to São Paulo.

2 Where is Ana?

we don´t know
in São Paulo

3 Does he know Ana?


4 Does he have a meeting scheduled with Ana?

probably not.

5 Does he want to meet Ana?

probably not.

6 Does he have a meeting scheduled with Ana?

we don´t know

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  • Tier 5
    • Lesson:Essentials/41|Lesson 41
    • Lesson:Essentials/42|Lesson 42
    • Lesson:Essentials/43|Lesson 43
    • Lesson:Essentials/44|Lesson 44
    • Lesson:Essentials/45|Lesson 45
    • Lesson:Essentials/46|Lesson 46
    • Lesson:Essentials/47|Lesson 47
    • Lesson:Essentials/48|Lesson 48
    • Lesson:Essentials/49|Lesson 49
    • Lesson:Essentials/50|Lesson 50
