Lesson: Infinitive of purpose

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Part A

Usamos o infinitivo (to + verb) para expressar o propósito que temos ao fazer algo, para explicar o motivo pelo qual fazemos algo.


I called her to explain the situation.
We studied to pass the test.
I went to the supermarket to buy fruits.

Eu liguei para ela para explicar a situação. Ou seja, porque eu queria explicar a situação.

Também usamos o infinitivo para falar sobre o propósito de algo, ou porque alguém tem, quer ou precisa de algo.


The water is to keep the body hydrated during your workout.
She has a dog to keep her company.
I want an mp3 player to study at home.

Podemos usar in order e so as antes de (to + verb) para dar mais enfase em estilos mais formais.

I called her in order to explain the situation.
We studied so as to pass the test.

Não utilize for nestes casos.

Estaria errado dizer:

I called her for explaining the situation. ERRADO
We studied for pass the test. ERRADO


1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the model.

The dog did all the tricks because it wanted to get the treat.
Possible answers:
  • The dog did all the tricks to get the treat.
  • The dog did all the tricks in order to get the treat.
  • The dog did all the tricks so as to get the treat.
a. She called because she wanted to place an order for delivery.
b. Katherine went to the door because she had to open it.
c. They went to the beach because they wanted to swim.
d. She went to New York because she wanted to go shopping.
e. We are going to study for the test because we need to get a good grade.
f. He took a book with him because he wanted to have something to read on the train.
g. Because we want to attract more customers, we need to rethink our marketing strategy.
h. Because we wanted to bring him home, we left the party earlier.
i. Because she needed to study English, she enrolled in our school.

2. Write sentences using the following expressions.

a. ( work in order to )
b. ( be nice to her so as to )
c. ( calling to ask )
d. ( saving in order to have )
e. ( improve our performance so as to )
f. ( buy a car to travel )
g. ( write a letter to explain )
h. ( start the meeting early to have time to )
i. ( move to a house in order to )
j. ( exercise more to have )
k. ( study another language to speak )
l. ( look for a better job to get )
m. ( move to another country to experience )
n. ( have an all-night study session to prepare )
o. ( go to bed early so that I can )
p. ( read about politics in order to )
q. ( call my father to say )

Part B

Também utilizamos o infinitivo para dizer o que pode ser feito ou deve ser feito com algo:

I am starving. I need to get something to eat.
It's nice going back home. There I always have someone to talk to.
They will need a place to rest after the hike.

As seguintes expressões também usam o infinitive of purpose:

  • time to do something
  • opportunity to do something
  • chance to do something
  • money to do something
  • energy to do something
I did not have time to call you last night.
She missed the opportunity to get that job.
We had a chance to rethink our actions, but ended up choosing the wrong path.
I should have enough money to travel next year.
It's clear that they do not have the energy to educate those kids.

Às vezes utilizamos so that em vez do infinitivo para expressar o propósito que temos ao fazer algo.

Os casos são:

a. quando o propósito é negativo:

I got there early so that I wouldn't miss the opening of the show.
They left us detailed instructions so that we wouldn't worry about what to do in case of an emergency.
Stay close to me so that you don't get lost.

b. quando usamos can e could

I'm visiting my aunt so that I can help her decorate her house.
We deposited $1500 a month so that we could buy a house after getting married.
He's looking for a job so that he can pay his debts.

c. quando uma pessoa faz algo para que outra possa fazer algo

She invited me to the party so that I would meet her friends.
He sent me his email so that I could stay in touch with him.
They called 911 so that someone would come and help.


1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the model.

She couldn't call you because she didn't have time - She didn't have time to call you

They dind't climb the mountain because they were too tired - they were too tired to climb the mountain

a. He didn't go because he didn't have the chance. b. She dindn't get a birthday present because she didn't have enough money. c. My mom didn't go to the supermarket because she didn't have time. d. They choose the wrong answer because the didnt have time to thin]


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