Lesson: Essentials/CP31

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Plural of Nouns
Present Continuous
Simple Past (regular verbs)


The English Alphabet
The Utility Room

1. Grammar / Change from aff. to neg. … Change the sentences to negative and interrogative

a. I am studying to be a geography teacher.
b. She is celaning her house.
c. He is helping his father
d. Michale is talking with the teacher
e. They are going to the mall.

2. Grammar / Fill in the blanks

a. There were two ________ (boy) there
b. They are many __________ (match) on the floor.
c. These are expensive _________ (glass).
d. There aren't many _________Ç(bus) around here.
e. She bought three __________ (dictionary).

3. Vocabulary / Write a short paragraph / sentences / a story

4. Vocabulary / ? 5. Drill 6. Text 7. Picture