Lesson: EasyReading/38

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DT   cancer

DT   cigarette

DT   doctor

DT   listen

DT   parent

DT   smoke

DT   why

DT   worry


  1. What does Paula have?
  2. How long does she have to live?
  3. What can her doctor do?
  4. Is there someone who can help her?
  5. What is killing her?
  6. What did she do in 30 years to get cancer?
  7. Will she stop smoking? Why?
  8. What did the doctors tell her?
  9. Did she listen to what the doctors said?
  10. Who else told her to stop smoking?
  11. What did she tell them?
  12. Does she still smoke?

True or False


True   False  
Paula has a disease
She just has some moths to live
There were doctors helping her
She smoked cigarettes for 30 years
She tried to stop smoking once
She likes to smoke and she does it every day
Doctors told her to stop smoking and she did
She didn't listen to the doctors, her perents and children
Her friends didn't care about her
Everyone tried to help
She told everyone to stop worrying, she would be fine
She is stopping smoking because of them