Lesson: Essentials/CP46

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1. Answer the questions below:

  1. What could you do when you were a child that you can't now?
  2. What could you do when you were living in your own country or hometown that you can't now?
  3. What did you want to do yesterday or last week but you couldn't do? Why couldn't you do it?
  4. What couldn't you do when you were sick?
  5. What could you do when you were on vacation?
  6. What could you buy if you won the lottery?
  7. Where could you go if you had time tonight?

2. Change the sentences to the simple past:

  1. He brings his book to school every class.
  2. She builds a dog house.
  3. The cook burns the food during dinner.
  4. I will choose the best movie.
  5. They come here to study English.
  6. This job will cost a lot!
  7. John cuts the paper to make the invitation.
  8. We do exercises in the morning.
  9. He draws the outline perfectly.

3. Use the correct possessive form of the noun in boldface to complete the sentence:

  • elephant
    • An elephant's skin is gray and wrinkled.

  1. teacher
    My grammar _______ husband is an engineer.
  2. people
    It's important to be sensitive to other _______ feelings.
  3. earth
    The _______ surface is about seventy percent water.
  4. teachers
    We have class in this building, but all of the _______ offices are in another building.
  5. woman
    Kate is a _______ name.
  6. daughter
    We have only one child, a girl. Our _______ bedroom is right next to ours.
  7. person
    I always look straight into a _______ eyes during a conversation.
  8. daughters
    We have two children, both girls. They share a bedroom. Our _______ bedroom is next to ours.
  9. women
    Emily and Janice are _______ names.

4.Write the role parent and teenager.

  • (be home on time)
    Parent: We hope you'll be home on time.
  • (break the rules)
    Teenager: I promise I won't break the rules.
  1. (make a mess)
    (clean up the house)

  2. (have a wild party)
    (invite more than two friends over)

  3. (stay out late)
    (follow the rules)

  4. (lock the doors)
    (open the door to strangers)

  5. (drive carefully)
    (run fast)

  6. (do your homework)
    (finish everything tonight)

5. Read the text and answer the questions with your own words:

Kimmy's Party

Kimmy is having a great party tonight. All of her friends were invited. Kimmy is wearing a new green skirt. Her friends all look nice too. Some of them are listening to music and dancing, while others are having conversations. Some people are sitting on the couch and watching TV. It’s a fun party! Rachel is dancing with Peter. They have a lot in common. They both like jazz music and horror movies. In the backyard people are sitting beside the swimming pool. Suddenly Carol falls into the pool. Everyone laughs…even Carol! Now her clothes are wet. Everybody is a having a great time. Nobody wants to go home!

  1. What's Kimmy having?
  2. Who was invited to her party?
  3. What is Kimmy wearing?
  4. What are the people doing at her party?
  5. What happened in the backyard?
  6. Do you like parties?
  7. How often do you go to parties?
  8. Do you throw many parties in your house? How often? (to throw a party = dar uma festa)
  9. What kind of party do you like the most? Why?

6. Audio


  1. He couldn't go to the theater last night.
  2. I built this box with these tools.
  3. Tina's books are here.
  4. Will you come here with this weather?
  5. Does he have time now?

7. Look at the picture and write what you could do based on the situation given:

  • It's raining!
    Interno di un sala da cinema
    • It's raining. We could go to the movies!
  1. It's a lovely day!
    Parque Nueva Lloreda

  2. It's a little sick!
    7weeks old

  3. It's messy!
    Messy Room

  4. It's broken
    Broken Fence on White Hill - geograph.org.uk - 1218674

  5. It's late!
    Kolekcja KOLI

  6. It's useless
    Can ring tabs

  7. It's far!

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  • Tier 5
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP41|Review 41
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP42|Review 42
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP43|Review 43
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP44|Review 44
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP45|Review 45
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP46|Review 46
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP47|Review 47
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP48|Review 48
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP49|Review 49
    • Lesson:Essentials/CP50|Review 50
