Lesson: Essentials/42

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1. May/might 2. May/might


dress head
bed many
medal dead
fell pen
test nest


  • To build - built
  • To lay - laid
  • House
  • Building
  • Construction
  • Shape
  • Size
  • Tall
  • Short
  • Huge
  • Structure
  • Budget

-photo exercise-

Extra Vocabulary


  • Ladder
  • Cement
  • Cinder block
  • Lumber, wood
  • Brick
  • Carpenter
  • Crane
  • Architect
  • Foreman
  • Blueprint
  • Mason
  • Steel girder
  • Wheel barrow
  • Jackhammer
  • Earplugs
  • Construction worker
  • Welder
  • Blow torch
  • Bulldozer
  • Forklift
  • Steamroller
  • Dump truck


Slang and Idioms /Phrasal Verbs



  1. Are you interested in the construction area?
  2. What´s the worst part of constructing something?
  3. What´s the best part of constructing something?
  4. Which do you think is worst, to construct or to remodel? Why?
  5. Would you like to build a house? What would be so necessary to have in it?
  6. What´s the favorite room in your house/apartment? Why?
  7. What´s your favorite color for houses?
  8. Do you know how to paint a wall?
  9. Are you afraid of using a ladder? Why?
  10. Which skill do you think you have to do a home improvement?




1. Grammar


2. Rewrite the sentences following the model.

The worker is feelng bad. / tired / sick
The worker is feelng tired.
The worker is feelng sick.

a. The architect is changing the project. / color of the house / decorating the new house
b. The workers need more bricks to continue the construction. / cinder block / cement
c. I need a ladder to fix the lamp. /
d. The foreman has to contract new people or he has to help the others. / to reduce the productivity / extend the deadline (deadline = prazo final)
e. That crane is huge. / not safe / That dump truck
f. We´ll buy a lot of board wood to construct the dog´s house. / My neighbor / cat´s
g. The party next door is very noisy / so

3. Complete the sentences with may / might or can:

a. I _______ speak French well.
b. _______ I help you?
c. I _______ go on holiday to Spain.
d. She ______ drive.
e. _______ she eat the last apple?
f. My mother ______ telephone me today.
g. I _______ see Brad Pitt when I am in Hollywood.
h. He _______ see the sea from his apartment.
i. THey _______ run faster than my brother.

4. Text listening


5. Choose the right answer acording to the sentence given:

a. May I eat the last apple?

quiz display=simple> {There |type="()"} - are no apples + is one apple - is more than one apple

{There |type="()"} - is no one else there - are many people outside + are other people there

{The person |type="()"} + wants to eat the apple. - is offering the apple to the others - is not hungry


b. I may eat steak tonight.

c. I can see the sea from my apartment?

d. I might see Brad Pitt when I am in Hollywood.

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  • Tier 5
    • Lesson:Essentials/41|Lesson 41
    • Lesson:Essentials/42|Lesson 42
    • Lesson:Essentials/43|Lesson 43
    • Lesson:Essentials/44|Lesson 44
    • Lesson:Essentials/45|Lesson 45
    • Lesson:Essentials/46|Lesson 46
    • Lesson:Essentials/47|Lesson 47
    • Lesson:Essentials/48|Lesson 48
    • Lesson:Essentials/49|Lesson 49
    • Lesson:Essentials/50|Lesson 50
