Lesson: EasyReading/10
From The Grove - Academia de Idiomas
- How old is Frank?
- What is happening to him?
- How many people visit Frank every week?
- What happened to Frank's wife?
- How did she die?
- What happened to Frank after his wife died?
- What's wrong with Frank's body?
True or False
- Frank is a teenager.
- Frank is dying.
- Frank lives in the same house he used to life with his wife.
- Frank's wife doesn't visit Frank.
- Frank has a lot of friends at the home for old people.
- Frank's wife died in a car accident 3 years ago.
- A car ran over Frank's wife.
- Frank never loved his wife.
- There is something wrong with Frank's body.
- Frank is dying because he's sad his wife died.
- Frank wants to stay alive and remember his wife.