Lesson: Conversation/Diets
From The Grove - Academia de Idiomas
- Do you worry about what you eat?
- What kinds of diets have you tried?
- Which one was the best?
- What is the best day of the week, month or time of the year to start a diet?
- What are the mistakes people make when they start a diet?
- Describe one of your diets. What did you eat?
- Do you need to get hungry to lose weight?
- Is it possible to be on a diet and exercise at the same time?
- What does the word "healthy" mean to you?
- Do you think dieting can be dangerous?
- What are the benefits of a good diet?
- Have you ever been to a nutritionist? What was your experience like?
- Do you count calories?
- Do you take any supplements?
- What do you think about weight loss pills?
- Do you worry about the balance between carbohydrates and proteins in your diet?
- In what ways can a diet influence our appearance?
- In what ways can a diet influence our mood? Can a diet make you happier?
- What do you think about vegetarians and vegans?
- What do you think about support groups like Weight Watchers?