Lesson: Conversation/Friends
From The Grove - Academia de Idiomas
- How many friends do you have?
- How do you know if someone is a true friend?
- What is your best quality as a friend? Do you consider yourself a good friend?
- Who has been your friend the longest?
- Who is your best friend? Why is he/she your best friend?
- How do you make new friends? Do you enjoy making new friends?
- Do you have any friend who lives abroad or far away? How do you keep in touch?
- Do you prefer to have male or female friends? Why?
- What's the most amazing thing a friend has done for you?
- Have you ever had a fight with a friend? What was it about?
- What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
- Do you know any good stories or movies about friendship?
- Have you ever borrowed money from a friend? Would you ever do that?
- Do you have any friends you made over the internet?
- Do you have friends that are much older or younger than you?
- Do you consider any of your friends part of your family?
- Have you ever had romantic feelings for a friend?
- Do you trust all your friends? How fast do you develop trust in a friendship?
- Do you tell your best friend everything? How much should we share with our friends?
- Have you ever been disappointed with a friend?