Lesson: Can You Trust Milk in Canada?

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Answer the following questions. You might be asked to write them down or answer them out-loud.

  1. How do you pick a food to eat? Flavor, quality, healthy, etc.
  2. Do you think the food we used to buy in the past was much healthier than today? Why?
  3. Is it possbile to have natural food nowadays?
  4. Are you used to eating/drinking dairy prodcuts?
  5. Do you agree that companies think mostly about profits and because of this they forget about quality?
  6. Do you drink milk every day? How often?
  7. Do you think milk needs to be part of everyday intake food?
  8. What type of milk do you usually drink/buy? Is there any difference among them?
  9. Nowadays many people are drinking other types of milk like wheat or grain milk. Have you ever tasted them? How did you like them?
  10. Do you believe the food we eat today has many modifications by the industries? Why?


Look at the vocabulary below. Take time to explore the links for their definitions in English and their translations to Portuguese. When you are done, make a sentence with each word. Ask your teacher if you should write them down or say them out loud.

  • d | t - without
  • d | t - hesitation
  • d | t - farmer
  • d | t - pure
  • d | t - buck
  • d | t - wonder
  • d | t - certain
  • d | t - stuff
  • d | [1] - russian roulette
  • d | t - dominate
  • d | t - treat
  • d | t - supply line
  • d | t - growth
  • d | t - dairy
  • d | t - foremost
  • d | t - fair


Watch the following video but DON'T read the transcript yet.

After watching the video do this listening exercise.

Reading practice

Read the following transcript then do the associated reading comprehension exercise.


Years ago we stopped by the store on the way home to pick up some milk, just like we still do today. But it was simpler back then. There was really just one option. And so we offered it to our families without hesitation because you can trust your local farmer is producing pure milk, right ? Well society has changed. We know people will do just about anything for a buck and we wonder, do we really know what´s in our milk? Just because it says this, we heard there could also be this. And who knows what else. All milks from cows are very well may look like this. So can we only trust certain kinds of milk? If I buy this stuff am I playing Russian Roulette whit my family?
Oh wait! We live in Canada. Not only do we dominate the most important sport on the planet, we don’t allow this kind of stuff to happen. If a cow is sick it´s treated outside of the supply line. In Canada there are no growth hormones used on dairy cows, ever. The only thing ever added to milk in Canada is Vitamin A and D. On top of that we´re first and foremost focused on producing and delivering locally. Wait. Are you telling me that all of these are safe, quality products? Yep. It´s all pure milk in Canada. But to be fair that one has a colorful label. All of this really, really is 100% pure, locally produced, rigorously tested, world-class quality Canadian milk. Find it in any store in Canada labeled “Milk”.

Writing practice

Write a couple of paragraphs <<>> . Make sure to use words you learned from the text and try to make it as long as you can.

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