Lesson: What is organic food?/ExerciseL1

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Listening Exercise

Watch the video and complete the text according to what you can understand.

So you’re at the store and you’re looking for something

and easy to eat. But you’re also trying to be health

. So instead of the regular cheesy mac(aroni), you go for the

stuff. Instead of regular chicken nuggets you

some organic chicken nuggets then

it off with some organic sandwich cookies. Hmmm cookies. It’s all organic, so it’s good for you, right? Well not always, you see,

forty five percent of the Americans think the organically will

healthy or good. Organic really has nothing to do with how

the food is for you. Organic really just

how the ingredients were created, prepared or

. Let me explain, organic means that there aren’t any genetically

ingredients. Also, organic means that no

were used to kill

and weeds and that all

are natural instead of

. And organic means nothing was fertilized with sewage yeah, sewage

. Organic also means that nothing was exposed to

which some manufacturers do to

food and that no industrial

were used to clean things up. Also, organic means that can be no chemical food

that some foods have to make them stay fresh for an

amount of time. And if it’s meat that there’s no

used or antibiotics or

into the animals. And all this stuff is really important but notice, organic doesn’t

mean that the ingredients are nutritious. So if you

about healthy foods, it’s more important to just eat whole foods

fruits and vegetables, and avoid package like

and yeah, that includes organic cheesy and mac. And here is a really big

, if you can

all the ingredients in the package you’re holding, then you’re on the right
