Lesson: Essentials/18

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Escolha a frase que está correta. É possível que ambas estejam

1 O seu amigo diz que vai se mudar para uma casa nova amanhã. Você acabou de decidir que vai ajudar e diz:

I will help you tomorrow.
I'm going to help you tomorrow.

2 Você planejou viajar para o Japão e agora está contando isto para um amigo.

I'm going to travel to Japan next year.
I will travel to Japan next year.

3 Você se dispõe a ficar com a sua amiga já que ela está sozinha.

I will stay here with you.
I'm going to stay here with you.

4 Você promete ao seu amor que sempre estarão juntos.

We are going to be together forever.
We will be together forever.

5 A pista está em obras e o transito está lento. Você faz uma previsão e fala:

I will arrive at work late.
I am going to arrive at work late.



  • Som de consoante
church match
nature choke
teacher chunk
rich lunch
cheap adventure


Women's Clothing

  • Dress
  • Skirt
  • Blouse
  • Purse
  • Strap
  • Suit
  • Evening gown
  • Scarf
  • Pajamas
  • Night gown
  • Jewelry
  • Necklace
  • Earring
  • Bracelet
  • Ring
  • Diamond
  • Jewels
  • Jewelry box
  • Emerald
  • Ruby
  • Slip
  • Bra
  • Panties
  • Hose
  • Stockings



1.Passe as seguintes frases para a forma negativa e interrogativa.

  • He will have many friends in New York.
  • They will be tired.
  • Linda will be at home.
  • We will travel in July.
  • My family will be very big.
  • My friends will be very happy.
  • They will speak English very well.
  • She will work at the bookstore.

2.Passe as seguintes frases para a forma negativa e interrogativa.

  • He is going to have many friends in New York.
  • They are going to be tired.
  • Linda is going to be at home.
  • We are going to travel in July.
  • My family is going to be very big.
  • My friends are going to be very happy.
  • They are going to speak English very well.
  • She is going to work at the bookstore.

3.Siga o modelo.

She has many friends. (they / going to) They are going to have many friends.

  • He has many friends in New York. (we / going to)
  • They are tired. (Susan / will)
  • Linda is at home. (they / going to)
  • We travel in July. (My friend / will)
  • My family is very big. (The house / going to)
  • My friends are very happy. (Larry / will)
  • They speak English very well. (I / going to)
  • She works at the bookstore. (You / will)

4. Faça 5 frases usando "will" e 5 usando "going to"

5. Fale para o seu professor o que você vai fazer quando sair da aula.

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