Lesson: Essentials/23

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Would, assim como will e do, é um verbo auxiliar. Ele forma o tempo verbal que, em português, chamamos de futuro do pretérito simples.

De forma mais simples, podemos entender este tempo verbal como aquele que termina em ia.

Por exemplo, faria, gostaria, tentaria, levaria.

Ele expressa um futuro possível de um passado imaginário.

Porém, por enquanto, vamos aprender a usar este tempo verbal de uma forma bem específica. Ou seja, para expressar desejos e fazer pedidos de forma educada.


  • I would like to go to the movies.
  • I would not like to travel today.
  • Would you like to watch that movie?
  • Would you help me with my homework?
  • Would you teach her the lesson, please?
  • Would you go with me?


A forma do would é a mesma que a do will.

Affirmative sentences: Usamos o would antes do verbo que queremos modificar. Também podemos abreviar o would para 'd.
I would like to go to the movies.
I'd like to go to the movies.
Negative sentences: Usamos o would seguido de not antes do verbo que queremos modificar. Também podemos usar a contração wouldn't.
I would not like to travel today.
I wouldn't like to travel today.
Interrogative sentences: Usamos o would antes do sujeito.
Would you like to watch that movie?

Este verbo auxiliar não se modifica para he, she ou it.

Então, temos:

I would like to go to the movies.
He would like to go to the movies.
I wouldn't like to go to the movies.
She wouldn't like to go to the movies.


1. Traduza as seguintes frases.

a. I would like to go to the movies.
b. I would not like to travel today.
c. Would you like to watch that movie?
d. Would you help me with my homework?
e. Would you teach her the lesson, please?
f. Would you go with me?

2. Faça 5 frases de cada tipo.

a. Coisas que você gostaria de fazer.
b. Coisas que você não gostaria de fazer.
c. Perguntando a alguém se gostaria de fazer tal coisa.

3. Faça 5 pedidos, de forma educada, usando os seguintes verbos.

a. go
b. study
c. play
d. help
e. stay


ship sure
nation fish
fish shush
wish dish
potion mission


Sea Travel

  • Ship, boat
  • Anchor
  • Porthole
  • Propeller
  • Captain
  • Sailboat
  • Mast
  • Sail
  • Rudder
  • Keel
  • Hull
  • Yacht
  • Row boat
  • Oar
  • Motor boat
  • Towboat
  • Cargo ship
  • Canoe
  • Paddle
  • Raft
  • Cruise ship
  • Shipwreck
  • castaway
  • Submarine
  • Periscope
  • Torpedo



1. Traduza as seguintes palavras.

a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Grapes
d. Raisins
e. Avocado
f. Cherry
g. Olive
h. Fig
i. Orange
j. Lemon
k. Pear
l. Plum
m. Peach
n. Coconut
o. Mango
p. Pineapple

2. Faça frases com as seguintes expressões.

a. has
b. have
c. don't have
d. doesn't have
e. am
f. is
g. are
h. am not
i. is not
j. are not

3. Responda às seguintes perguntas.

a. What are your five favorite vegetables?
b. What are your five favorite fruits?
c. What is your favorite day of the week?
e. What is your favorite month of the year?
d. How many states are there in Brazil? (26 + Brasília)
f. How many people live in Florianópolis? (around 421.203)
g. How many cities are there in Santa Catarina? (285 cities)
h. How many cousins do you have?
i. How many televisions are there in your house?

4. Explique o uso da preposição in. Em quais casos usamos esta preposição? Dê exemplos.

5. Fale os seguintes números ordinais.

a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 25th
e. 57th
f. 101st
g. 138th
h. 62nd

6. Corrija as frases.

a. She like to work in the morning.
b. They won't work in Saturday.
c. They tries to fix the car.
d. I am going to buy a apartment.
e. You do want to swim tomorrow?
f. It haves five balls.
g. Your tooth are very white.
h. He usually will exercise tonight.
i. I am work at the restaurant.
j. He don't speak English.
k. They will buy a sofa beautiful.
l. He will invite she to go to the party.
m. These keys are my.
n. We don't have many money.

7. Faça perguntas com as seguintes palavras. (Com rarely, seldom e hardly ever faça perguntas negativas)

a. always
b. often
c. never
d. usually
e. sometimes
f. rarely
g. seldom
h. hardly ever
i. frequently


1. Responda às seguintes perguntas.

  1. Would you like to go to a restaurant today?
  2. What would you like to do tonight?
  3. Where would you like to go this weekend?
  4. What movie would you like to watch?
  5. What would you like not to do this week?
  6. How would you like your steak? (rare, medium, well done = mal passada, ao ponto, bem passada)
  7. Would you like to be famous?
  8. Would you go bungee jumping?

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