Lesson: How to say "No!" to almost anything
Answer the following questions. You might be asked to write them down or answer them out-loud.
- According to the text how many brins do we "have"?
- What are the differences between them?
- What most people think willpower is?
- According to the text what are the three kinds of willpower?
- What are the differences between them?
- Why can't we just rely on the "i won't" power?
- Are you easily tempteted?
- What do you do to avoid temptaions?
- Can you easily say "No"? Why?
- Do you think the method presented here can be of use for you? How will you use it?
Look at the vocabulary below. Take time to explore the links for their definitions in English and their translations to portuguese. When you are done, make a sentence with each word. Ask your teacher if you should write them down or say them out loud.
Watch the following video but DON'T read the transcript yet.
After watching the video do this listening exercise.
Reading practice
Read the following transcript then do the associated reading comprehension exercise.
- You know that feeling when you really want to accomplish something but it seems like your brain is almost fighting against you. KM: We actually have something more like two minds. - That’s Kelly McGonigal author of the Willpower Instinct KM: Ah, we have one brain that is very responsive to our immediate needs and when we’re in that mindset we tend to make choices that are inconsistent with our long term goals. But we also all have this other brain, this other mindset that thinks about long term consequences, remembers what our big values are, takes a kind of expansive view on our lives and our choices. And when we’re in that mindset and that system of the brain is in control of our choices, we tend to do things that make our future self actually happier and healthier, more productive, more successful. - So Kelly says that while many of us think of willpower as the ability to say no to that short term part of our brain, it can actually be much more effective to tap into the different types of willpower that help us unleash the long term part of our brain. KM: Many people think of willpower is the ability to resist temptation. But willpower is actually three powers: I will power, I won’t power and I want power. I won’t power is what we typically think of as willpower is the ability to resist temptation. I will power that’s the ability to remember that you want the consequences of doing this difficult thing, and the third power I want power the ability to walk around the world with a clear memory of what it is you care about most. So that when you’re deciding what to eat for lunch, it’s not an automatically choice but actually in that moment you think about your desire for health. And actually what willpower does is it allows you to put your energy and attention on exactly what it is you want and what you care about. - So if you want to change automatic behavior prompted by that short term part of our brain, we can’t just rely on I won’t willpower which will eventually wear down. We also have to tap into I will willpower like whenever I’m attempted to eat a piece of chocolate cake I will eat a handful of carrots instead or I want willpower, like when I’m attempted to smoke I'll remind myself that I really want to be alive to see my grandchildren. By doing this we're tapping into new sources of will power and will make changing those behaviors that much easier.
Writing practice
Write a couple of paragraphs talking about your thoughts on the topics discussed in the video. Make sure to use words you learned from the text and try to make it as long as you can.