Lesson: Essentials/44

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1. Complete the sentences with the affirmative, negative or interrogative form of used to and the words in brackets. Use contractions where possible.

  • used to - didn't use to - didn't use to - Did they use to - used to - did you use to - didn't use to - used to
  1. David Beckham _______ play for Manchester United.
  2. We _______ have a computer, but we do now.
  3. _______ (they) work together?
  4. That restaurant _______ be a clothes shop.
  5. She _______ like him, but now they're married.
  6. Where _______ (you) go to school?
  7. There _______ be a police station here.
  8. I _______ like vegetables, but I do now.

2. Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using ‘used to':

  1. I / live in a flat when I was a child.
  2. We / go to the beach every summer?
  3. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.
  4. He / not / smoke.
  5. I / play tennis when I was at school.
  6. She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all.
  7. He / play golf every weekend?
  8. They both / have short hair.
  9. Julie / study Portuguese.
  10. I / not / hate school




  • To Pretend - pretended
  • To Kill - killed
  • To Exist - existed


  • Monster
  • Ghost
  • Witch
  • Cackle
  • Cauldron
  • Witches´ brew
  • Wizard
  • Wand
  • Giant
  • Dwarf
  • Fairy
  • Elf
  • Werewolf
  • Mermaid
  • Mummy
  • Moan
  • Genie


Phrasal Verb

ask someone out
convidar para sair (geralmente romântico)
  • She asked me out last night.
    • Ela me convidou para sair ontem à noite.

1. Translate the sentences into Portuguese:
  1. He asked me out so I expected him to pay for dinner.
  2. Why don't you ask Ana out to dinner?
2. Translate the sentences into English:
  1. Kate me chamou para ir ao pub no centro.
  2. Minha vizinha me convidou para o show de sábado.
3. Make to sentenes using the phrasal verb 'ask someone out:


  1. Do you like to read or watch fantasy stories/movies? Why?
  2. Which fantasy movie you watched that got your attention?
  3. Tell me a little about this movie.
  4. What is your favorite mystical creature?
  5. What is a dwarf/mmermaid/genie/monster?
  6. What´s Harry Potter´s story about?
  7. Do you know any good fairy tales?
  8. Who were the Grimm Brothers?
  9. How long does an elf live?
  10. If you could live in a fairy tale, in which one would you live and why?

Travel Bites




1. Look at the picture below and write two sentences using the preposition over:

NightBar Erfurt


1. Rewrite the sentences uing used to with the action below and give a complement for the sentence. See the example:

  • eat in that restaurant
  • I used to eat in that restaurant when I had more time.
  1. play soccer on Tuesdays night...
  2. read a book a month...
  3. go to the movies...
  4. listen to music...
  5. save more money...
  6. travel every semester...
  7. leave home early...

2. Rewrite the sentences following the model.

  • He used to play chess with his grandfather. / brothers / They
  • He used to play chess with his brother.
  • They used to play chess with their brother.

  1. They are afraid of ghosts / monster / That kid
  2. She knows that dwarf from her school. / work / neighborhood
  3. The wizard lost his wand / power / The giant
  4. They used to play fantasy games. / didn't / My little sister
  5. We can't put the genie back into the bottle. / magic lamp / They
  6. Her costume for the party was as an elf. / mermaid / mummy
  7. I don't like monsters because they are scary. / ugly / werewolf

3. Fairy Tale! Read the paragaph below and continue the story.

Loch Ness Monster
Once upon a time, on a long, slow trip to Scotland, a little girl named Katerina-Elizabeth tossed her oatmeal overboard—again, and again, and again. She was a picky eater, and oatmeal was her least favorite food.

And once upon a time, a small worm, no bigger than a piece of thread, swam alongside an ocean liner bound for Scotland and ate bowl after bowl of tossed oatmeal. He had never tasted anything as wonderful as oatmeal in his whole life.

  1. monster
  2. werewolf
  3. wizard
  4. wand

DT   toss

DT   oatmeal

DT   overboard

DT   picky

DT   least

DT   worm

DT   thread

DT   alongside

DT   liner

DT   bound

4. Text listening


  1. I used to play as a monster when I was a kid. / dwarf / ghost
  2. We can see an elf in that movie / Lord of the Rings movie / dwarf
  3. Every little girl wants to be a mermaid / fairy / princess
  4. The genie asked me three wishes / My girlfriend / The teacher
  5. It's full of dragons, and big wizard battles. / magic / duel
  6. He saw some mummies in Egypt / on his last trip / The tourists
  7. Stories with witches are scary / interesting / and cauldron

5. Complete the text with used to and after answer the questions:


Kimmy _______ take dance classes when she was a little girl. She took ballet lessons first, and later she learned out to tap dance and jazz dance. Every time she had the opportunity, she _______ practice her dance steps. When she started wearing ballet shoes, it took her some time to learn how to dance with them because her feet often hurt and it was a little difficult.

Now Kimmy is 20 and she is a professional dancer. She wears ballet shoes as well as tap shoes and jazz shoes. She started performing in small theaters, but now she performs in front of large audiences. She _______ worry that it would be hard to make a living as a dancer and she is very happy that she is so successful.

The most difficult thing about Kimmy's career is her schedule. She has to practice long work hours during performances. She often has to practice and perform for 10 hours per day. Because of it, her boyfriend often misses her while she's working. When he had more time, he _______ go to all of her performances, but now he usually just goes to one or two.


  1. What did Kimmy use to do as a child?
  2. Which rhythms does she know to dance?
  3. Did she like the ballet shoes at first? Why?
  4. What does Kimmy do for living nowadays?
  5. What´s so hard for Kimmy in her career?
  6. Do you like to dance? If so, what ind of music?
  7. Wold you like to be a professional dancer? Why/ Why not?

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  • Tier 5
    • Lesson:Essentials/41|Lesson 41
    • Lesson:Essentials/42|Lesson 42
    • Lesson:Essentials/43|Lesson 43
    • Lesson:Essentials/44|Lesson 44
    • Lesson:Essentials/45|Lesson 45
    • Lesson:Essentials/46|Lesson 46
    • Lesson:Essentials/47|Lesson 47
    • Lesson:Essentials/48|Lesson 48
    • Lesson:Essentials/49|Lesson 49
    • Lesson:Essentials/50|Lesson 50
