Lesson: Essentials/52

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1. Choose the right answer:

1 If you have any problems, I __________ you.

will help
would help

2 If he is careful, he __________.

won´t fall
will fall
wouldn´t fall

3 If you __________ the problem to them, they would be happy.


4 If Tom __________ a better mark next time, his parents would buy him a new monitor.

would get
will get

5 If Molly comes to your party, I __________ with her because she is not my friend.

would speak
will speak
won´t speak
wouldn´t speak

6 If Mr. Jenkins __________ us in his garden again, he will be very angry.

will find

7 If you left now, you __________ the train.

won´t miss
will miss
would miss
wouldn´t miss

8 If Gina were a little friendlier, people __________ her better.

won like
will like
would like
wouldn´t like

9 If I find your glasses, I __________ them to you.

won give
will give
would give
wouldn´t give

10 If we __________, Babs will leave without us.

don't hurry
didn't hurry
will hurry

2. Complete the sentences below:

  1. If you don't eat vegetables _________.
  2. If she brushed her teeth everyday _________.
  3. If they eat too much fat _________.
  4. If he didn't exercise _________.
  5. If you don´t get enough rest _________.
  6. If they drink too much alcohol _________.

3.Write sentences using if following the example:

  • help me / call the teacher - past
    • If you didn't help me I would call the teacher.

  1. fix the car / wokr properly - present
  2. take care / get an electric shock - past
  3. follow the rules / pay a fine - present
  4. get elected / give money for education - past
  5. move to that apartment / have a garage - present
  6. prepare yourself / be in troubles - past




The Office

  • Desk
  • File cabinet
  • File folder
  • File
  • Documents
  • Briefcase
  • Waste basket
  • Stapler
  • Staple
  • Tack
  • Tape
  • Paperclip
  • Clipboard
  • Scotch tape
  • Copier
  • White board
  • Bulletin board
  • Note
  • Meeting
  • Water cooler
  • Water bottle


Phrasal Verb


  1. If you want to make a good impression at an interview you should…
  2. What's your ideal job? Why?
  3. Would you prefer to have an easy routine job or a job in which you made a lot of decisions?
  4. Would you like a job that involved a lot of travel? Why or why not?
  5. If you could own your own business, what would it be?
  6. Name four office utensils you have on your desk or at home.
  7. Do you have many meeitngs at work? Do you like it?
  8. How important are clothes at work? How does your job determine what you wear in your country?
  9. If I could have any job in the world…
  10. What three things are most important for you in a job? Why?


1. Read the statements of advice and rewrite them using if:

  • Take my advice and your troubles will be over.
    • If you take my advice your trobules will be over.

  1. go to sleep early and you'll feel better in the morning.
  2. didn't eat so much and you wouldn't get indigestion.
  3. read for a while and you would fall asleep easily.
  4. pick the baby up and he'll stop crying.
  5. don't yell at her and she won't yell back.
  6. took a break every few hours and you wouldn't get so tired.
  7. call the doctor and she'll tell you what to do

2. Rewrite the sentences following the model.

  • If I have time I will see her. / had / knew her address
    • If I had time I would see her.
    • If I knew her address I would see her.

  1. Could you buy some paper clips when you get back to the office? / scotch paper / she / home
  2. The wind destroyed the waste basket / rain / desk
  3. The schedule is in the bulletin board / on his desk / clipboard
  4. He didn't take enough notes at the meeting / too many / use all the documents
  5. That briefcase is too expensive / has many files in it / important
  6. If you bring the tape I will close the boxes / file cabinet - organize the documents / not
  7. I'm looking for a new copier / for the office / to replace the old one
  8. The water cooler isn't working well / good enough / This file cabinet

3. Answer the questions related to the picture below:

WMUK office - desks

  1. What do you see in this pitcure?
  2. Where do you think it is?
  3. Is it an organized place? Why?
  4. Who works there? Why?
  5. Describe how your work/study desk is.

4. Sentence listening


  1. If you come to my office I'll lend you the stapler.
  2. She didn't have enough paperclips to conclude her task.
  3. Where's the manager responsible for the bulletin board?
  4. The assistant dropped the tacks all over the floor.
  5. Did you remember to buy paper for the copier?

5. Read the text below and answer the questions:

Home office small office

Home Offices

Small office/home office (or single office/home office; SOHO) refers to the category of business or cottage industry that involves from 1 to 10 workers.
Beginning in the mid-1980s, the advent of the personal computer and fax machine, plus breakthroughs in telecommunications, created opportunities for office workers to decentralize. Decentralization was also perceived as benefiting employers in terms of potentially greater productivity and other qualities Many consultants and the members of such professions as lawyers, real estate agents, and surveyors in small and medium-size towns operate from home offices. Several ranges of products, such as the armoire desk and all-in-one printer, are designed specifically for the SOHO market. A number of books and magazines have been published and marketed specifically at this type of office.
The small office home office has passed through a transformation since its advent as the internet has enabled anyone working from a home office to compete globally. Due to the increase in small and home offices, web services and standard business software have been created to directly assist smaller businesses in standard business practice.
In the US, a home office can be claimed as a tax deduction only if office space and supplies are not provided by a corporate office.

DT   cottage

DT   breakthroughs

DT   decentralize

DT   surveyors

DT   perceived

DT   enabled

DT   due

DT   deduction

DT   claimed

DT   armoire

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