Lesson: How to Foolproof Your Budget

From The Grove - Academia de Idiomas
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Answer the following questions. You might be asked to write them down or answer them out-loud.


Look at the vocabulary below. Take time to explore the links for their definitions in English and their translations to Portuguese. When you are done, make a sentence with each word. Ask your teacher if you should write them down or say them out loud.

  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word
  • d | t - word


Watch the following video but DON'T read the transcript yet.

EmbedVideo received the bad id "j74DfIOLvfM&NR" for the service "youtube".

After watching the video do this listening exercise.

Reading practice

Read the following transcript then do the associated reading comprehension exercise.


--->>> Transcript

Writing practice

Write a couple of paragraphs ---->>>> instructions <<<<-----. Make sure to use words you learned from the text and try to make it as long as you can.