Lesson: EasyReading/43

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DT   aspirin

DT   bathroom

DT   cabinet

DT   drink

DT   headache

DT   healthy

DT   hurt

DT   medicine

DT   sick


  1. What does Lois have?
  2. How long ago did the headache start?
  3. How often does she get headaches?
  4. Why doesn't she like headaches?
  5. Where did she go?
  6. What did she find?
  7. What did she take?

True or False


True   False  
Lois got sick
Her headaches started about an hour ago
She got the headache because she isn't a healthy woman
She had a headache because she ate spoiled food
She doesn't like to take medicine but she did it
There was aspirin in the medicine cabinet
She thought that one aspirin would be enough
Two aspirin didn't help her headache go away