Lesson: EasyReading/66

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DT   bite

DT   disappear

DT   hour

DT   insect

DT   mirror

DT   normal

DT   pillow

DT   problem

DT   spot

DT   ugly

DT   usually


  1. What did he have on his face?
  2. What did he think it was?
  3. Did he think his face would look normal again?
  4. Do the red spots usually disappear?
  5. When does he think it is happening?
  6. What will he do?

True or False


True   False  
When he looked in the mirror he saw his face full of red spots.
He didn't care about the red spots.
He thought it was insect bites.
The red spots would never disappear.
The red spots disappeared in two hours.
He would look normal in a few hours.
He had these red spots every morning.
He thought the problem was with his pillow.
He bought a cream to put on his face.