Lesson: EasyReading/122

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DT   almost

DT   blow

DT   breath

DT   breathe

DT   gray

DT   heavy

DT   jacket

DT   never

DT   pocket

DT   shadow

DT   sky

DT   stand

DT   steam

DT   strong

DT   teapot

DT   warm

DT   wear

DT   wind

DT   winter


  1. How many trees the fire control agent said to chop down?
  2. What did Diane ask?
  3. What was the problem with those trees?
  4. Why are those trees a super fire hazard?
  5. Could Diane spend money chopping the trees down?
  6. What would the agent do if she didn't chop them down?
  7. What did Diane do to solve this problem?

True or False


True   False  
The fire control agent asked Daine to set fire on the trees
The trees Diane had in her backyard were an environmental problem
The two trees were a fire hazard
Diane needed to chop the trees down because they were next to her house
The trees had no problem, but Diane wanted to set fire on them
The agent said tate she would pay $100 if she didn't chop the trees down
Diane solved this problem setting fire on the trees
The fire control agent fined her