Lesson: EasyReading/121
From The Grove - Academia de Idiomas
- Where did he live?
- What was he complaining about?
- What was the first advice the nurse gave him?
- Does he like TV? What does he say about it?
- Why doesn't he play chess?
- What is the problem with playing cards?
- What does he say about reading books?
- What happens outside that he doesn't like to take a walk?
- What was the last adivice the nurse gave him? Did he do it?
True or False
<quiz display="simple"> { |type="()"} | True | False -+He was an old man living in a nursing home -+He was watching TV, but he turned it off +-He didn't like to do anything, but taking a nap +-He hates to play cards because people cheat +-He doesn't like to play chess, he always loses -+He deslikes reading books, they are too boring +-The nurse tried to help him, telling him what to do +-The nurse told him to have a walk outside -+Outside was too cold, he said -+The nurse was sick of giving him advice, so she stopped talking +-He accepted the last advice and went to take a nap