Lesson: EasyReading/6

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< Lesson:EasyReading
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DT   buy

DT   contract

DT   cost

DT   dealer

DT   money

DT   month

DT   pay

DT   require

DT   save

DT   sign

DT   use

DT   white


  1. What does Linda want to buy?
  2. What car does Linda have right now?
  3. What is the color of the car Linda wants to buy?
  4. How much money has linda saved?
  5. How much of that money will she use to help buy the new car?
  6. What will Linda have to sign?
  7. How much will she pay every month?
  8. When will Linda finish paying for her car?
  9. Will the car be cheap or expensive?
  10. Can Linda afford an expensive car?

True or False


True   False  
Linda needs to buy a new car.
She does not have a new car yet.
The car she has is old and white.
Linda will buy a Ford.
Linda spent $1,ooo to fix her car.
Linda will use the money she saved to help buy a new car.
Linda will have to pay $1,000 and sign a contract that will last 7 years.
Linda will pay $400 for the car.
The car will cost more money than Linda can afford.